The girls started school on monday. Carson starts next monday. They seem to like it other than the 15-20 min. walk home in 100 degrees.Who would like that Honestly? It's good exersize though I get an hour walk in each day. Azaria has a guy teacher. It makes me alittle nevous but she seems to like him I haven't met him yet. Savanah's teacher is an older lady. We missed back to school night because we didn't know about it. I asked the girls friends and I guess they never go and didn't know about it either.There is a SEP coming up soon so thats good. I can't believe how fast time flies. Azaria's in 4th, Savanah's in 2nd and Carson kindergarden. They are doing so good in school I am so proud of them. They go off track in three weeks for three weeks so they will have alittle bit more summer left. I got them registered late so thats what track they had left. I guess thats the gifted and talented track so I would of picked it anyways. Azaria wasn't happy at first because she wanted to be with her friends. I had to remind her that's not what we go to school for. Well I hope everyone is having a good week I will write again soon.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Back To School!
The girls started school on monday. Carson starts next monday. They seem to like it other than the 15-20 min. walk home in 100 degrees.Who would like that Honestly? It's good exersize though I get an hour walk in each day. Azaria has a guy teacher. It makes me alittle nevous but she seems to like him I haven't met him yet. Savanah's teacher is an older lady. We missed back to school night because we didn't know about it. I asked the girls friends and I guess they never go and didn't know about it either.There is a SEP coming up soon so thats good. I can't believe how fast time flies. Azaria's in 4th, Savanah's in 2nd and Carson kindergarden. They are doing so good in school I am so proud of them. They go off track in three weeks for three weeks so they will have alittle bit more summer left. I got them registered late so thats what track they had left. I guess thats the gifted and talented track so I would of picked it anyways. Azaria wasn't happy at first because she wanted to be with her friends. I had to remind her that's not what we go to school for. Well I hope everyone is having a good week I will write again soon.
Boating trip #3
We went out again on Justin's boat on sunday. My mom and my aunt Caroline and aunt Denise and Gary came. I am glad my mom felt good enuff to go. I haven't been able to spend very much time with her lately because the kids don't like to go over to Denise's house and there's to much stuff all over for Landon to get into.
I thought this picture was cute.
Justin went alittle faster this time Carson got a little scared but loved it. Colby and Savanah went and got fliped off. I was worried Savanah would get to scared and never go again but she said it was the funniest time she has ever had on it but she wants to go alittle slower next time.
July 24th
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Landon and Carson
I took this picture of Landon today and thought it was cute. He has to feed himself now. For about a month he would only eat one bit of his yogurt. He wanted me to give it to him but thinking about the mess he would make I would hand him the spoon only. He still wouldn't eat much then one day I gave him the cup from the start and now he eats half or more every time. He wouldn't cry or anything so I just thought he wasn't hungry. It's a mess but at least he's eating. He has that I am not giving up attitude and I can do anything which is good. He loves to try and keep up with the other kids.
Colby put the basketball hoop by the pool now so the kids like to jump off the ladder and hang on the hoop. I couldn't believe Carson could do it. He has been such a chicken when it comes to water but now he loves it. He had his kindergarten check up yesterday. He weighs 42 lbs.(50%) and 41.2 inches (25%) He is so skinny but the doctor told me since his weigh is more that his height he might be over weight when he gets older from what the charts say but he and I doubt that will happen for a very long time. I am just glad he has grown so much when he was three (some how I missed his four year check up) he wasn't on the chart for his weight and 25% for height. He has been sick lately ( a month I think two different sicknesses not bad enough to take him in) I hoped he would of been better before we went to the doctors but not yet he has an ear infection again. He didn't say any thing about his ears. I am glad they don't bother him because he gets them allot. I should of guessed every time he is stuffed up he has one. Some how Landon hasn't caught anything. Colby has been really sick this week. We might have to take him to the doctors if I can get him to go. I guess Dalton(guy at Sysco) has pneumonia so maybe he will go see a doctor. Well hope all is well with everyone.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sysco Super Fun Day Extravabaganza
Sysco had a BBQ this year instead of going to Raging Waters. They had a dunk booth up Azaria had to go on it Savanah didn't want to mess up her face painting. Colby played in the softball tournament which was two games his team won so they got trophys and a $25 Sports Authority gift card.So just me and the kids hung out. Wanda and Blake came for alittle bit but I didn't see them much. Reed and Lisa and Brandon and Lindsey had other things to do. other then the heat I think the kids had alot of fun. They also did a drawing and Colby won a $50 best buy gift card. We were hoping for the barbaque or the tv at least we got something though. 
More pictures of the sysco bbq.They had a thirty feet rock wall. Carson was alittle scared to go any higher but I was very proud of him for trying. Savanah tried once I was waiting to take a picture until she got her highest but she fell and didn't want to try again. Azaria couldn't do it enough.I think she did it 7 times her hand started getting sore. I really liked the face painting she did a good job. They had this basketball game and when you made a basket you got a $10 target card. The adults had to make 2 shots one was pretty far I couldn't make it but colby did.The kids had to only make one shot. only Azaria out of the kids made it. They also had a football game that had three different size rings that you throw the football through the kids had to just touch them. They all won that one. Colby had to hit the middle and made it the first time. Me and the kids played alittle bit of bingo but didn't win any thing. They had bounce houses up but it was 100 degrees out side and they were to hot. They had a fire truck spray water but we missed it. It was pretty fun. 
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th Of July!
Saturday July 4th I talked Colby into going to the Magna Parade. It was the first one the kids have been to. The kids had alot of fun I think Carson liked it the most Savanah wasn't feeling good or I think she would of enjoyed it more. It rained on us and the floats kinda sucked but they threw lots of candy., We went with Lisa and her family except Reed he thought he was to good. Ha Ha. Later we had a barbaque at our house and Carson begged us to put the water slide up again he rides the tube down it now crazy kid. My mom and some of my family came to watch fireworks with us which was good. I didn't get very good pictures but it was fun. Thanks to everyone who came. 

Redwood Drive Inn
Sunday we went to the Drive Inn to see UP and Proposal. They were pretty good. Carson fell asleep during the first one of course. Which was good. Wanda and Blake went with us. Wanda actually stayed up the whole time. It was fun but I am getting to old to stay up till 2am and get up early.
Hollywood Connections
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Boating Fun
We went out on the lake with Justin and Julie again on Sunday.This time we took the wakeboards and the kite tube. It was alot of fun Justin said he was going 50 miles an hour when I was on the kite tube but I must be to fat It still wouldnt fly. It was a great time but we ran out of beer way to quick I think Julie drank them all. Sarah and Jason and theyre kids came with us Talea is crazy for almost 6 years old. Justin was able to take Azaria on the wakeboard with him I still cant wakeboard myself so Justin has skills.
Carson's Party!
Here's some pictures of Carson's birthday party. My mom got a free ride across the yard. The kids having fun in the pool.Carson only has got in the pool once and got alittle scared and cold until the day after his party now we can't get him out. Brandi's new tiny baby now weighing 6lbs. What a cutey! Basketball in bare feet not a good idea.
Flag Football Champions?
Nope not this year. Played the best game of the year but lost in four overtimes. Good game you guys better luck next season.
Happy 5th Birthday Carson!
I'm alittle late but here's a video of everyone singing happy birthday to Carson. The candals where alittle scary but it was funny. We had a barbaque and had the water slide up and the pool. We got him a basketball hoop but all the guys took it over.
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