Ok here is what we have been doing latey. I am still not very good at blogging. I messed up on the order. First Carson is doing good and can allready hear better. It is so nice! He did so good going there and waiting then when they called his name he didn't want to go back so me and the nurse had to talk to him for a few minutes then we get him back there and he doesn't want to stop coloring. One of the doctors came and helped me pull him into the operating room. Screaming! I had to hold him down while they were puting him to sleep. I felt so bad. I wanted cry but didn't want to in front of everyone. It was scary he started to breath differently I didn't know that was normal. I am so glad it is over and hopefully never have to do that again.
Kids go back to school on Monday Yay!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Dance Performance
The girls had a dance performance today. This video is not the best but hopefully you can see them ok. Savanah is on the left getting blocked from the lady in the dark brown hair. Azaria is straight in the middle. They did such a great job. It was at the Scarecrow Festival so after they got to play on bouncy slides and they had a kids haunted house.
Wow! Looks Like Fun Huh?
Fun at the park.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I just wanted to let everyone know. We found out why Carson seems like he can't hear very well. He talks loud and says huh? alot. He had a couple of hearing tests at school and they said he didn't pass and needs to see a specialist. so we went last thursday and found out he has fluid behind his ear drum (harder to see) so he needs tubes again and his adenoids taken out. He should out grow this problem. He go's in this friday. I am alittle nevous even though he has been put to sleep twice now.His heart thing still scares me we have to give him antibiotics the night before and some in his IV to pertect it. Colby has to work so Wanda and Blake and my mom and the girls are going. I will let you know how it go's.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sorry pictures are alittle grose. Savanah went to the dentist on monday. she had an infected tooth so they pulled it out and another little tooth in the front that was loose. She did so good after I bribed her of couse she chose to go to the dollar movie to see Coriline which wasn't playing there any more so we had a movie night at home and rented it and got popcorn and candy. It's a weird movie and a little scary for kids. She go's again to the dentist next week. 
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sorry everyone it has been hard lately to get a chance to post. Landon crys everytime I get on well almost he was thinking about it today he started watching tv. and my kids start fighting. Well just to catch you up. The kids went back to school for three weeks and there off track again. The school had to get rid of a teacher because not enuff kids enrolled and Carson's was picked so I decided to change all the kids on the same track. What else..... Me and the kids went for a walk the other day to what I thought at the time was the closest park. It took 45 mins. to get there and alittle over an hour to get home. Why? you might be thinking I had this bright idea to take the canal road back which was a even longer way home. It wouldn't of been that bad if it wasn't 90 degrees and past lunch time and pushing a stroller. Let's just say we will never do that again. we decided to trade in the truck. It started leeking tran. fluid again and doesn't start very good when it is cold. So now we have a car. I haven't got a picture of it yet. so when Colby gets home I will post one. I think it's pretty nice. not something we have ever thought of getting but we shouldn't have any problems with it. it's a 2009. standard. for once. Will miss the truck but we have to do whats best financialy. The payments, insurance and the gas cost less. and it doesn't need fixed and licensed and new tires. we can get a better truck later. well I think that's all.
We had game night the other night. Azaria picked Risk. It took 3 hrs. I was out first I was yellow you could probaby tell why. then Azaria them Savanah Colby and Carson won. It was fun.
Last night we went to the corn maze. It was alot of fun. Carson kept hiding from Colby and trying to scare him. We almost lost the girls because we had to stop and let Carson go pee. Colby's idea. It is so much eazier to go places now that there older.
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